Water and Sanitation

The region is prone to drought - water is scarce and clean water even more. The piped water supply from the Betwa river provided by the municipality has eased the scarcity of water but as the fresh water pipes have been laid in the waste water drains, the quality of piped water has suffered. Many homes are dependent on public wells for their water supply. However, there seems to be a blatant lack of civic sense concerning them and waste is often thrown into the very wells that provide drinking water. With the support of the German Consulate, Friends of Orchha has cleaned and covered two of the most frequently used ones.

Water tap

The 1% for development Fund, to which UN personnel in Geneva contribute, has enabled us to build toilets and bathrooms for the twenty poorest families in Ganj as our contribution to a more hygienic neighbourhood. We mobilised the community to demand better water supply in this part of Orchha. At present, piped water is supplied to most homes in Ganj for about an hour a day.
